Introducing Mundane, a new cryptography library for Rust

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Mundane, meet the world. The world, meet Mundane.

Mundane is a cryptography library written in Rust and backed by BoringSSL. It aims to be difficult to misuse, ergonomic, and performant (in that order). It was originally created to serve the cryptography needs of Fuchsia, but we've decided to split it off as a general-purpose crate.


Rust has higher kinded types already... sort of

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First, a very quick refresher.

In Rust, a type which takes type parameters (Rc<T>, Vec<T>, HashMap<K, V>, etc) is only a valid type when all type parameters are specified. In other words, Rc, Vec, and HashMap<K> are not types. You can't have a variable of type Rc. You can't pass Rc as a parameter to other types.


Soylent: In Review

[This post is part of a series on my month-long experiment with Soylent. See the original post for an introduction.]

Just over two years ago, I started what I thought was going to be, as the note above suggests, a month-long experiment with Soylent (if you don't know what Soylent is, read the original post). At the time, I was considering Soylent as a potential full or partial replacement for normal food, but since I was about to head into a school year with a full meal plan, I wasn't going to be able to start right away. So I wanted to try it out for a month to see if it was something I'd want to do full-time after graduation, and I decided to write this blog series on it - one post per day - to track my progress and let others benefit from my experience.


Soylent: Day 17

[This post is part of a series on my month-long experiment with Soylent. See the original post for an introduction.]

Nothing noteworthy to report today.


Soylent: Day 16

[This post is part of a series on my month-long experiment with Soylent. See the original post for an introduction.]

Nothing noteworthy to report today.


Soylent: Day 15

[This post is part of a series on my month-long experiment with Soylent. See the original post for an introduction.]

For the love of all that is good and holy, do not water down your Soylent. This morning, not having a fridge to store a full pitcher in, I decided to make one serving for breakfast. I thought that I could get away with fitting one and a half servings in my water bottle, so I put one and a half serving's worth of water in. Then I realized that it wasn't going to fit, so I only put in one serving of Soylent. Oh, and since I didn't have a fridge, it was room temperature (another big no-no). I forced myself to drink the warm, diluted substance because I needed to eat, but each sip made me feel like I was going to puke. I don't know what it is about watered down or warm Soylent, but just... just don't. Dear god, just don't.


Soylent: Day 14

[This post is part of a series on my month-long experiment with Soylent. See the original post for an introduction.]

Yesterday was my last day in Boston for the summer before heading to Providence. Being me, I decided to make the trip by bike, and, also being me, decided to bump said trip up to 2:00 am last night on a whim.

Besides preening my adventurer's feathers, I mention this because I had to finish all of the Soylent that I had before I left, or else throw it away (I took the pitcher with me, and I didn't want to have a half-full pitcher of Soylent sloshing around on the back of my bike). Naturally, I picked the first option.


Soylent: Day 13

[This post is part of a series on my month-long experiment with Soylent. See the original post for an introduction.]

Nothing noteworthy to report today.


Soylent: Day 12

[This post is part of a series on my month-long experiment with Soylent. See the original post for an introduction.]

Nothing noteworthy to report today.


Soylent: Day 11

[This post is part of a series on my month-long experiment with Soylent. See the original post for an introduction.]

Nothing new to report today.

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